Nudge Marketing

The examples cited in this article come from:

Nudge marketing refers to deliberately manipulating how choices are presented to consumers. Its goal is to influence what consumers choose, either to steer them toward options that the marketer believes are good for them or simply to stimulate purchases and increase sales.

1. The social proof nudge

By telling your site visitors what other people have liked in the past, you’re more likely to convince new visitors to do that too. Because as much as we like to think we’re all unique snowflakes, we’re really more like herd animals. We like things that other people like.

2. Numerical anchors nudges

Numbers always make compelling arguments. But they also work as a nudge. If you can anchor your prices against a much higher number, then you’re far more likely to convert people from browsers to buyers.

The best example of this is in infomercials. You know when they say ‘that’s $300 value for a mere $39.95!’ or some such preposterous figure?

Those are numerical anchors. When you hear an astronomical sum followed by a much lower one, you’re actually being nudged towards the lower sum. You think ‘gee, $39.95 isn’t so bad for that product, compared to $300!’ even if $39.95 is more then you were prepared to spend.

3. Option restriction nudge

As we’ve mentioned before, people do not like complexity. While it seems counterproductive, if you can streamline your offering, you can actually increase your conversions as you nudge people towards whatever behaviour you want.

Social shares are a great example.

If you have too many social share buttons, then you will actually cripple social decision making. Limit your options, and you’ll nudge people to share your content more.

For example, Visual Web Optimizer profiled one of their clients where they removed all of their social share buttons and actually increased their add to carts by 11.9%.

Of course, this particular nudge is used all over the web. For example, Neil Patel details how each new form field decreases conversions.

Pricing is another example. Google Apps for Work has just two pricing plans, rather than the more standard three and up.

4. Competition nudge

You can encourage people to both share and convert by using competition. App games channel this nudge better than most. For example, the app game Timberman will post to your Twitter account, challenging your followers to beat it. It’s an easy way to raise the hackles of any enthusiastic competitor.

5. The embedded nudge

If you can embed your desired action, for example a social share, into the user flow, you’re going to nudge people to take action. One example of this is modal windows. By putting your desired action (e.g. newsletter signup) directly in front of the user, you nudge them into taking that action.

QuickSprout, for example, uses a full screen modal widow to drive Facebook followers to Neil Patel’s Facebook page.



The examples cited in this article come from:

Sima Gandhi